complete nube here
I screwed up ... have things fixed so that they're functional, but not ideal.
Original system was vista from manufacturer, I've been dual booting XP for years, without problems. I decided to try gOS to streamline things. boote from liveCD but it was slow (ofcourse). I was afraid to install to either my primary partition (vista's house) or to the secondary partition (where XP lives) so I installed to an 8Gb thumbdrive.
Now I can't boot the computer without the thumbdrive in place or I get "ERROR 21"
vista completely died, so I recovered with my toshiba restore utilities CD. Now XP's dead (I can live with that), but the GRUB thing opens whenever I turb on the computer.
IF I have the thumb drive in, if loads to a menu with thre ubuntu options the the longhorn options, which are for teh most part functional (except XP died).
Sometime inteh last three days of screwing around withthis I loaded ubuntu (proper) via wubi (before XP died). ubuntu stil runs if selected, gOS still runs from teh thumb drive (that's where I am now), Vista will run after a few menu selections, and XP is out.
What can I do to just boot to a single menu, make a selection , and get on with life....ideally a primary boot into ubuntu or vista (both are acceptable for the work I need to do).
I'm lost.
Many thanks in advance.
by the bye: I'd like to never see the word "GRUB" again upon startup....