Here's the background: I had Vista installed on the primary drive. I installed Win 7 RC on a second drive and dual booted the two of them. I successfully installed Win 7 (retail upgrade product) over Vista. I now have a Win 7/Win 7 RC dual boot system.
A capture of my diskmgmt is attached below.
I would like to remove the Win 7 RC install (S
and get rid of the dual boot. EasyBCD did not play a role in creating the dual boot, but I'm hoping it can help get rid of it. Is it as simple as deleting the Win 7 RC entry? Will this include a format of the partition currently holding Win 7 RC? (Sorry if this is covered in the documentation. It is inaccessible to me (everyone?) right now.)
Thanks in advance.
A capture of my diskmgmt is attached below.
I would like to remove the Win 7 RC install (S
Thanks in advance.