Removing GRUB after installing OpenSUSE


I recently installed OpenSUSE using the default options for where to install the bootloader. After installing, EasyBCD complained about not being able to open the boot configuration data store, but I got around that by navigating to the BCD file. Maybe it has something to do with the problem.

Main question: when I use the install Vista/7 bootloader to MBR option, GRUB still appears as the bootloader. Do I need to delete the linux partitions to see the Windows bootloader? How can I safely get rid of GRUB?
If EasyBCD doesn't go directly to the BCD, it's because it's no longer on the "active" partition.
Is Linux on a different HDD ?
If so, change the BIOS boot sequence to put the Windows HDD first.
If not, set the Windows "system" partition "active".
Thanks! That worked.

So what exactly does the option for installing the Vista bootloader to the MBR do? Because when I install Ubuntu, using that option causes GRUB to stop appearing, but it didn't work for OpenSUSE.
Each HDD has an MBR at the front. Sounds like you were rewriting the one you weren't actually booting from.