>_< VISTA was pre-installed on my new Gateway MX8711 notebook. Gateway refuses to help with uninstall of this VISTA garbage. First I wiped the hard drive with dban...but XP Pro wouldn't recognize the hard drive. Next I tried using demo version of DataCleaner Pro, but it hangs up on Fire Wire driver. Disabling driver did not help, it still hangs.
Intel says Gateway modified its Quanta 943GML motherboard specifically for VISTA.
WIll I need a new hard drive? Can I EVER get rid of this VISTA junk???
Help me Obewan. I'm ready to kill!!!
Intel says Gateway modified its Quanta 943GML motherboard specifically for VISTA.
WIll I need a new hard drive? Can I EVER get rid of this VISTA junk???
Help me Obewan. I'm ready to kill!!!