I downloads EasyBCD in preparation for my Windows 7 install, in the mean time I figured I would use it to rename the choices for my current dual boot in which I had Vista 64 and then installed XP PRO (32bit). The instructions i followed when i did the dual boot (a few months ago before I found EasyBCD) sucessfully allowed me to set up the dual boot. My problem, when i start the computer I get the choice "Windows Vista" and "An older Windows Installation" all I wanted to do was to change "An Older..." to read "WIndows XP Pro" I tried to use EasyBCD and when I chose to remane the second OS I saved it and then i chose to rewrite the MBR. after restarting the computer when I chose to boot into XP (which sucessfully showed up as a choice) the computer said I had some sort of bas configuration. Then I booted up Vista and opened up EasyBCD and don't know what i did but then restarted and then the computer would not start, It kept telling me to choose a location to boot from, my bios was set for my boot drive. I looked into following the directions for rebuilding my boot.ini by using the XP repair. it did not work, i then tried to reinstall XP, after selecting the XP partition on my hard drive the installation said there was already an installation and that everything would be over written, i figured well ok go for it. Installation started and then i get a message that installation could not continue. I then has to clone my OS drives from by Backup. I can now start and the system works but, all I wanted to do was change my OS choice from "an older" to Windows XP. Was I not supposed to rewrite the MBR. I wasn't sure what to do when following the directions because the computer was already set for a dual boot. next time should i just rename the os chioce and save that?
Thanks, sorry for the long post but i wanted to include as many details as possible.
Thanks, sorry for the long post but i wanted to include as many details as possible.