Running on 98


I am trying to run BCD on Windows 98 but it gives me an 'mscoree.dll file missing' error. Any suggestions or would a previous version work correctly? TIA
Would a previous version from closer to the 98 era work?
If so, which version would have the best chance of working?

(I need a triple boot server, but I need the first boot to be 98 for local gaming, so I have to try find a way to run it from 98 before I spend all the time setting up the servers on the other two boots. After I install WinServer on the second partition I get a ntldr not found error, so EasyBSD is my only hope.)

Please suggest something.
I got it fixed. The problem with the NTLDR error, even though I knew it was there, was the way I partitioned the 1st hard drive. I used a live Linux boot CD and Gparted to partition it up. I started over with Fdisk and it is fine now.

You're welcome. Glad things are well and the unicorns are happy and propspering.

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