It just seems logical to me that if they weren't going to ship any more units they would shut down the web application page. See the story below from Saturday, January 15:
Google To Ship More CR-48′s This Month
“During the last few weeks it seemed as if there was more bad news coming for even those still awaiting shipment of Google’s Chrome Notebook within the USA. Google stopped shipping CR-48′s during the Christmas period and hasn’t sent out a single unit ever since. This has left many frustrated and annoyed as after-all, only 15,000 CR-48′s have been shipped (at the writing of this article) out of a projected 60,000.
Good News – More Shipments are coming
Well, for all those who are still left in limbo, you’ll be glad to know that it seems as if Google will continue CR-48 shipments this month. A tweet by Sundar Pichai from earlier on this week confirms this; he was asked by a prospective CR-48 owner ( bryantdunivan) if Google was still pressing on with their initiative:
Yes we will have another batch that will ship out this month. Should be an exciting few months ahead.
So, there you have it, from Google’s Product VP. Keep checking the CR-48 Tracker and hop into the forums to stay up to date with what’s going on. It’s probably just a matter of days until you get your CR-48 (fingers crossed).”
As an aside check out this story:
Google fends off near-loss of Chrome OS head to Twitter
“Internal slips today revealed that Google's Chrome OS product management VP Sundar Pichai is staying onboard despite a poaching attempt by Twitter. The search engine reportedly paid an unspecified but "significant increase" to Pichai to keep him. Google declined to comment on the AllThingsD assertions.
Google has faced sudden and mounting pressure in the past year as other companies have been either recruiting or trying to recruit some of its senior staff. The company has in some cases paid even engineers millions of dollars to stop them from going to Facebook or other rivals.
Pichai is known to be particularly vital to Google's efforts. As the leader of both the Chrome browser and Chrome OS teams, his loss would have derailed both its browser efforts and its fledgling attempt at a desktop OS. The latter, web app based platform has already been delayed by a year to mid-2011 or later and could have been set back further with a leadership change. Gmail's creator Paul Buchheit has already posited that Google might have to quietly end Chrome OS and roll its technology into Android if it doesn't take off.
Twitter had been hoping for a new product VP of its own that would help it expand. The microblogging tool has spent much of its recent time simply hoping to sustain its exiting traffic and only little expanding its features or profitability.”
Dual booting Ubuntu and Google chrome OS on the CR 48
Would it be possible to dual-boot Ubuntu and Google chrome? What is the boot loader for Google chrome OS? Is it GRUB-1?
I think it would be more advantageous if people could figure out how to dual-boot the CR 48 rather than simply try to figure out how to replace the operating system. Then they could run Google chrome OS to perform as much as possible. Then when the Google chrome OS can’t get stuff done, users can boot into another OS like Ubuntu.
How to install any OS on the Google Cr-48 Chrome notebook
Google Cr-48 seen running Android
See post on Chrome Lounge Forum: