Hi there...first post.
I recently installed Slackware 11.0 on a laptop and PC, dual booting with Vista. After realising that Vista now uses the BCD method, started looking around and found this great program....
Now all went well on Slackware 11.o using lilo, and today I have just installed the new Slackware 12.0.......and it has all gone wrong... :x
Fired up EasyBCD and did the normal creation, but rebooted and...nothing... strange I thought, tried it again....nothing. Looked at the setup and thought I would just peel the boot sector of myself so did a dd if=/dev/sda3 of=bootsect.lnx count=1 bs=512 and copied and renamed this file over the one that EasyBCD creates...
Now, this showed an improvement getting the old L 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
I saw a new version of EasyBCD was out (1.7), so downloaded this. Was pleasantly surprised that it now shows the partitions, making it easy to select. I selected partition 2 (as it now starts counting from 0...?)
But the same, it comes up with some text at the top then says to 'enter the system disk'.
I have no problem booting of the Slackware 12.0 disk1 and selecting image/root partition, and reinstalling lilo makes no difference...
So I am at a loss. I am just downloading Slackware 11.0 again (I threw the CD's away when I decided to download 12.0 )
I am hoping to test that at least EasyBCD worked with 11.0 (like it did) then try 12.0 again.
The only thing notable from the Slackware install is that upon boot it rejects my NTFS partitions....not sure what is going on there....
Thanks in advance for any help.
I recently installed Slackware 11.0 on a laptop and PC, dual booting with Vista. After realising that Vista now uses the BCD method, started looking around and found this great program....
Now all went well on Slackware 11.o using lilo, and today I have just installed the new Slackware 12.0.......and it has all gone wrong... :x
Fired up EasyBCD and did the normal creation, but rebooted and...nothing... strange I thought, tried it again....nothing. Looked at the setup and thought I would just peel the boot sector of myself so did a dd if=/dev/sda3 of=bootsect.lnx count=1 bs=512 and copied and renamed this file over the one that EasyBCD creates...
Now, this showed an improvement getting the old L 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
I saw a new version of EasyBCD was out (1.7), so downloaded this. Was pleasantly surprised that it now shows the partitions, making it easy to select. I selected partition 2 (as it now starts counting from 0...?)
But the same, it comes up with some text at the top then says to 'enter the system disk'.
I have no problem booting of the Slackware 12.0 disk1 and selecting image/root partition, and reinstalling lilo makes no difference...
So I am at a loss. I am just downloading Slackware 11.0 again (I threw the CD's away when I decided to download 12.0 )
I am hoping to test that at least EasyBCD worked with 11.0 (like it did) then try 12.0 again.
The only thing notable from the Slackware install is that upon boot it rejects my NTFS partitions....not sure what is going on there....
Thanks in advance for any help.