SPAM posts


Staff member
CG good for you cleaning out and locking that thread. It seems that at least 45% of my time on McAfeeHelp is spent throwing spam posts in Jail so the Admin can then ban their IP's and user names etc. Several dozen every day from mild ads to total porn.
One would think by now that someone somewhere would have developed an effective spam filter for forums, but seemingly that is only a dream.
At home I use Spamcop which filters the mail enroute from my ISP's servers and usually lets nothing through, thank goodness.

Anyway, keep up the battle!!
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Thanks Peter.

I don't know if you're familiar with Akismet? It's a free service that can be integrated with blogs, contact forms, and forums to automatically protect against spam.

I don't know what kind of forum system McAfee uses, but you might want to recommend it to them - it's pretty damn good :smile:

If this gets to be a real problem here, I'll integrate it - but so far it's definitely managable. That post in particular that was spammed yesterday has a very high search engine ranking for lost email recovery, so it's been particularly targeted for spamming in the past...

Thanks :smile:
At the moment they use phpBB but are about to switch to vBulletin. Their decisions are made up somewhere high in the Corporation so have little chance of influencing them locally. But I certainly will try.
I emailed the Manager at McAfee who is responsible for the new forum (whenever it takes effect) but haven't heard back.
Thanks for the tip :wink:
Ha! Guys... oh I so need this, thank you Guru.

On my small forum in news box I wrote:
Dear spammers, leave this forum alone, we'll be very happy without you. Thank you for your cooperation.
- AGF: Virtual Heaven Administration

And I have to say it helps :happy:.. a little at least.
Lol.. thanks Guru, I'm glad you like the name... That's how I named my forum :happy:. AGF stands for Axa Games Forums btw :ldown: dont ask for the link... :tongueout: