Startup Repair Password Vista


New Member
A few days ago I noticed my home PC was not running windows update like it should. Soon I received an 80072efe error. Then my machine refused to boot up. (1 long beep, 1 short) Removed all my cards and and got it to boot as long as my grahpics card wasn't it. Still having problems so went to run the startup repair. I get a login screen asking for username & password but the only account showing is one called "Other Account" no combo of username or password I use works. Nor do i ever recall setting it up with a main password. Help help help, I don't want to by a new machine.

Reference your model's manual for explanation of the beep code. If the system booted up without the graphics card that seems to be the problem. If you can boot into Windows just fine startup repair is not going to help you. You can try system restore within Windows instead or in safe mode by pressing F8 repeatedly as you power on the computer.