Startup Repair - User profile



Im new to the forum, have found some very interesting and helpful information so far so thanky ou all.

I do now have a question. I would like to know that if i run the newly burnt .iso recovery disk for Vista x86 when using the startup repair will it delete the user profiles or rmove any data on the PC such as pictures music my documents etc... As I know if I run the recovery option on my laptops recovery hard drive it likes to do so (not sure if this is just an Acer thing).

My ultimate aim is to repair an error of a failed update trying to run on shutdown and bootup everytime. Unfortunatly it was left so long there is no standard windows restore point.

The error im getting it 'Configuring updates 3 0f 3. 0% complete"... then after 3-5 nminutes it boots.


Startup repair doesn't effect user data. It only gets a non-booting computer to boot into Windows again and fix simple BCD misconfiguration. You appear to be able to boot after waiting the Stage 3 update. If that is constant every time you boot and no system restore point is available, go to Programs and Features in Control Panel and click Installed Updates on the left. Sort by installation date and uninstall all updates that weren't installed before this problem occurred.
Thanks for the quick responce Justin. Another spanner in the works is that I do not know when this took place as it's not my laptop. I looked at the updates and there about 30 failed ones. I ran Window Updater and that failed to run 80070002 error. Downloaded the stand alone version and it crashed on the first hotfix.

I found this atricle that pointed me to the NeoSmart site, so was going to give it a try.


Thanks Justin.

Unfortunatly I have tried this already. The laptop is not mine and therefore I am unaware as to when the failed update took place, the owner doesn't know. I tried uninstalling the updates, and runnign Windows Update again, this gave me an 80070002 error. The stand alone updater crashed on teh first hotfix.

I found an article online that brought me to NeoSmart. There are 2 options for me to try;

1. Startup Repair
2. Rename the Pending.xml file, and then edit the registry.
For Windows Update problems, Microsoft will provide one-to-one free support by email or phone.
Follow the links from WUD installation history (right click on any "failed" entry)