Distinguished Member
@Terry: I think you can remove the other post now...
If Vista/7 boots but XP fails to boot
Method 1 (Auto-configure with EasyBCD):
- Get EasyBCD 2.0 Beta, install, and replace any version of Easy that is already installed.
- Open up EasyBCD, navigate to the Add/Remove Entries section, and delete any existing boot entries for XP there. Next, go to the Windows tab, select the “Windows NT/2k/XP/2k3” option in the Type menu, give the entry an appropriate name, and click the Add Entry button. Here a prompt will open up, asking you if you want to let EasyBCD automatically configure boot.ini for you, and create NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM in the root of the "system" partition. So accept the offer, and your XP should now boot perfectly fine.
- Enjoy your multiboot!
Now it looks even worse..
More space.
Oh well...thanks for trying though.
Yes, it looks a lot better now.Kind of late to reply (Terry reminded me about this thread). Is that any better now? I got it looking perfect yet vB still puts in extra spaces when I save the changes. Short or removing formatting completely I think thats the best we can do.