Hey Terry,
I was (almost) in your neck of the woods for 2 weeks. I had the onerous task of scattering a friend's ashes in Lyme Regis bay which I dutifully did on a rather chilly but sunny afternoon last week. The wind was blowing so gustily that I ended up wearing some of it, no matter.
Nice spot I must say. I'm very familiar with most places in the British Isles but had hitherto not been to the Fossil Coast. Also got to see that rather eerie new and quite large community of HRH Prince Charles's - Poundbury. Not bad but I call it eerie as I saw nary a soul in the entire place, not even a vehicle. It was like the set from some horror movie.
I stayed at a rather interesting upscale B & B in Dorchester, where I have friends, called the Casterbridge (it's Thomas Hardy country) and we drove to the coast from there.
Lovely spot.
I was (almost) in your neck of the woods for 2 weeks. I had the onerous task of scattering a friend's ashes in Lyme Regis bay which I dutifully did on a rather chilly but sunny afternoon last week. The wind was blowing so gustily that I ended up wearing some of it, no matter.
Nice spot I must say. I'm very familiar with most places in the British Isles but had hitherto not been to the Fossil Coast. Also got to see that rather eerie new and quite large community of HRH Prince Charles's - Poundbury. Not bad but I call it eerie as I saw nary a soul in the entire place, not even a vehicle. It was like the set from some horror movie.
I stayed at a rather interesting upscale B & B in Dorchester, where I have friends, called the Casterbridge (it's Thomas Hardy country) and we drove to the coast from there.
Lovely spot.
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