TOTALLY BUGGERED, vista RE will not path to drive*&%#@!*

stupper noob

New Member
greetings forum:
vista 6000 build, service pack 2 built, puter will not boot, last code received 0xc0000001 @ post(no further, but post is good, hardware sings). i can get into recovery console with DVD but no back-ups exist, auto repair useless. simple example, c:\boot\bootsect.exe/nt60all/force, result says cannot path to c: possible m$ lock-out, registery errors, i am truely clueless at this point.
the only command i have been able to find is del c:, which i do not want to do 0_o.
reg.exe is opening up to hives & Hkeys, but i am lost for proper commands and how to enter those commands. i'd like to at least get a single boot-up for some needed files before i kill the reg files.
i've got zero formal training on this stuff, so please be gentle.