Triple boot: Win 7 + XPx64 + XPx86


Hi! I face the following problem using EasyBCD.

Windows 7 x64, Windows XP x64, Windows XP x86 are installed on the same HDD and occupy partitions 1, 2, 3 respectfully.

Boot files are on the 1st partition where Win 7 is installed as the newest OS on the PC.

I create appropriate boot entries with EasyBCD 2.1, but I either get a sub-menu for XPs (all OS are bootable, but I don't like sub-menu), or one of XP systems fails to boot.

I highly appreciate any assistance for the case.
As you've found, MS boot architecture doesn't allow multiple XP entries in the BCD, chaining to NTLDR which displays a second menu.
NST has a custom XP loader as part of EasyBCD.
Add entries manually (not auto-configure), specifying the disk letter address of each XP, and you'll get separate entries in the BCD for each XP.
Don't change the disk letter you see in the BCD. EasyBCD didn't get it wrong, that's not where the XP location is kept.
Read all about it here.