Have Win XP Pro 32-Bit on Drive "C" - Was Installed first
Have Win XP Pro 64 Bit on Drive "D" - 2nd Install
Have extra Storage Disk "E" - no operating system
All working just fine...
Would like to install another Drive - say Disk "F" and add another operating system
say Windows 7 to play with...
Any ideas/problems I should look for?
Would I simply just add the drive and reboot with the Windows 7 disk in the CD
the same as I did with adding Win XP Pro - 64 bit?
Thanks for your help
Have Win XP Pro 32-Bit on Drive "C" - Was Installed first
Have Win XP Pro 64 Bit on Drive "D" - 2nd Install
Have extra Storage Disk "E" - no operating system
All working just fine...
Would like to install another Drive - say Disk "F" and add another operating system
say Windows 7 to play with...
Any ideas/problems I should look for?
Would I simply just add the drive and reboot with the Windows 7 disk in the CD
the same as I did with adding Win XP Pro - 64 bit?
Thanks for your help