Tripple boot XP - VISTA 32 - vista 64

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Ok so right now i dual boot XP and Vista 32 using Neogrub to hide the vista partition no problems, now i would like to add Vista 64 all on the same hd so it would be... hd0,0 (xp) hd0,1 (vista) hd0,2 (vista 64).. my question is how would i go about configuring Neogrub so i will still be able to hide both of my vista installs?
# NeoSmart NeoGrub Bootloader Configuration File
# This is the NeoGrub menu.lst file, and should be located at C:\menu.lst
# Please see the EasyBCD Documentation for information on how to create/modify entries

default 0
timeout 0

title Boot XP - Hide Vista
hide (hd0,1)			# SET THIS TO THE VISTA DRIVE
# Optionally repeat the above entry for all the Vista drives
chainloader (hd0,0)/ntldr	# SET THIS TO THE BOOT PARTITION

# Optional section
#  If you include this section, you will see a second bootloader menu!
title Boot XP - Unhide Vista
unhide (hd0,1)			# SET THIS TO THE VISTA DRIVE
# Optionally repeat the above entry for all the Vista drives

Help please..thank you..
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Thanks... is there anything i need to do before installing this app considering im using neogrub?.. and also installing vista 64 bit aswell as having xp, vista?


after using the hide and seek i have no XP... now what i had was XP, VISTA dual booting.. ran HnS all was good.. then i installed VISTA x64.. when the computer boots i can use either of the VISTA installs but there is no more XP... i try to run HnS again to get xp back but it comes up with an error also it says ive already used it before and i cant even uninstall it?.... please help me...
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