New Member
History: Installed XP on 2 drives (40 and a 180 gig IDE) and Ubuntu 7.10 on a third (200 gig Sata), all set up as a multi-boot . Then “Upgraded” to Vista Home Premium (32 bit) on both XP drives. Installed EasyBCD on both Vista drives and ran it on each – calling the 180 “C” and the 40 gig “D” with the system assigning “E” to the NTFS partition that is behind the Ubuntu partition. Result with EasyBCD was drive letter conflict and loss of ability to boot the 40 gig (D). Then tried to add Ubuntu to the EasyBCD – but chose grub, which did not work, and neo grub, which did not work. So I ran super grub disk and installed grub and can now boot to the 180 gig Vista and Ubuntu – but I get a drive letter conflict “winlogin not found” error message on 40 gig Vista. If I reinstall – say a Vista 64 – on the 40 gig, what changes do I make in this setup? Do I still need the super grub disk install? Was I in error to run EasyBCD on both VISTAs – if not how do I resolve the drive letter conflict.