Distinguished Member
Okay, so MySQL fs things up for vB... good thing I didn't try it then
Yeah...otherwise you may have regretted it soon after!
EDIT: According to this remark though, MySQL may eventually support unicode...that is, if enough people complain about it, until they add support for it!
Addendum:MySQL :: MySQL Documentation
Add support for UNICODE.
At this time MySQL doesn't support unicode. In order to do this, custom support for unicode would have to be written.
The PHP Manual only mentions Unicode support for XML Documents (Page 703 of the PDF).
The places you should be complaining to are MySQL 5.1 is Here! and PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. Until the back-end supports Unicode it will be very difficult to provide this support.
But than again, this was back in 2000... maybe things have changed since than?
hmm...perhaps we better go to the sources referenced then in the article to find out if it does by now!
I think I will also check myself, as this topic interests me...
EDIT: Here's the MySQL forums...i will go ask them about it.
MySQL :: MySQL Forums
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