Uncrackable Passwords

Okay, so MySQL fs things up for vB... good thing I didn't try it then :smile:

Yeah...otherwise you may have regretted it soon after! :smile:

Cheers! :wink:


EDIT: According to this remark though, MySQL may eventually support unicode...that is, if enough people complain about it, until they add support for it! :grinning:

MySQL :: MySQL Documentation

Add support for UNICODE.

At this time MySQL doesn't support unicode. In order to do this, custom support for unicode would have to be written.

The PHP Manual only mentions Unicode support for XML Documents (Page 703 of the PDF).

The places you should be complaining to are MySQL 5.1 is Here! and PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. Until the back-end supports Unicode it will be very difficult to provide this support.

But than again, this was back in 2000... maybe things have changed since than?

hmm...perhaps we better go to the sources referenced then in the article to find out if it does by now! :wink:

I think I will also check myself, as this topic interests me...:smile:


EDIT: Here's the MySQL forums...i will go ask them about it. :wink:
MySQL :: MySQL Forums
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Well you think they would... seeing pretty much how just about every last type of hash using basic characters from ASCII has been calculated at this point. Many web applications rely on MySQL and some of them utilize these hashes for authentication, so lack for full Unicode support is a security risk for sure.
Well you think they would... seeing pretty much how just about every last type of hash using basic characters from ASCII has been calculated at this point. Many web applications rely on MySQL and some of them utilize these hashes for authentication, so lack for full Unicode support is a security risk for sure.

I agree totally. :smile: They definitely should support unicode! :scared: I just posted the question on their forum, so hopefully we will get an answer to the question soon...:wink:

Cheers! :smile:



Haven't received a reply yet over at the MySQL forums yet to the question...:frowning: Oh well! :lup: Probably too early...:wink:

Cheers, though! :smile: I will post about it, as soon as i receive a response! :grinning:

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MySQL has full unicode support. The vB databases on NST are configured to use Unicode.

Try it, and if it doesn't work you can use the password reset feature to get your password back :smile:

Cool, as far as Word goes I know you can do actual unicode chracters inside of documents, so you should be able to do it in passwords too.

Cool, as far as Word goes I know you can do actual unicode chracters inside of documents, so you should be able to do it in passwords too.

I just tried it again (this time in XP instead of Vista) in Word, but it still didn't work...:wtf: I try holding down the right alt key, and pushing the 2,3,0 sequence as Guru describes in that document, with num lk enabled. still doesn't work. :x i tried it both in the document itself, as well as the password, and both times it didn't show any typed character after doing it. :frowning: I'm using the Times New Roman font right now...would that make a difference? :wink:

Which version of Word? I know it works in 03 and i've got 07 here. I'd give a try except i'm on my laptop right now... They appear to have made some alt+num combinations keyboard shortcuts. I get an open dialog when I press alt+1.
Which version of Word? I know it works in 03 and i've got 07 here. I'd give a try except i'm on my laptop right now... They appear to have made some alt+num combinations keyboard shortcuts. I get an open dialog when I press alt+1.

I tried it in 07 in Vista, and today i tried it in 03 in XP...failed both times. :frowning:

Will it used to work anyway. Back in the days when I IRC'd all the time I was playing around with unicode in various programs and can remember it working in Word documents... why it doesn't work anymore is on MS. With default crypt settings, there are tools out there that can recover the password to a document in a matter of seconds, so I hope they'll add it back in in the future if its gone....
Will it used to work anyway. Back in the days when I IRC'd all the time I was playing around with unicode in various programs and can remember it working in Word documents... why it doesn't work anymore is on MS. With default crypt settings, there are tools out there that can recover the password to a document in a matter of seconds, so I hope they'll add it back in in the future if its gone....

Well, you yourself made a comment in post 28 that it doesn't work on a laptop, despite what Guru said about the num lock thing...:wink: So who do I believe then...the creator (or at least, the discoverer...) of this "uncrackable passwords" method, or you?!! :grinning: There seems to be conflicting information here, and frankly, i am confused...:wink:

Here is what you said in Post 28:
I'd give a try except i'm on my laptop right now...

And here is what Guru said in Post 7:

Yes, you'll need to enable numlock first.

^_^ Implying of course that numlock would work on a laptop...since this quote was after all a response to someone who asked if it worked on a laptop, and if they had to enable num lock or what...

Cheers! :brows:

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Okay, to clear things up here...

In order to do unicode you need a numpad. The numbers above your letters do not work and as I described in my last post some of them in combination with alt are also being used as keyboard commands. So no it cannot be done unless you have a num pad (even if num lock is enabled) and no it is not what CG created. All it is is just a simple security practice making it much harder to crack passwords. Now that I'm on my desktop, I have just tested Word 07 to see if it is capable and it is. Not only in documents themselves, but as well for passwords:

Okay, to clear things up here...

In order to do unicode you need a numpad. The numbers above your letters do not work and as I described in my last post some of them in combination with alt are also being used as keyboard commands.

I also tried the numbers on the M,J,K,L,U,I,and O keys, thinking that even though there's only a few numbers present (i.e. 0-6, and not 0-9 like the keys above the letters), this might be the laptop equilvalent of the numpad, since Guru said it would work with the num lock...:tongueout: But this also did not work. :x

So I guess it simply doesn't work for a laptop, unless you have an external keyboard, or numpad, which you hook up to the laptop...:frowning: Not much for me then, i guess, in terms of options...:scared: Until i get one of the above, it seems i will not be able to use unicode on my laptop...:frowning:

Well for you truecrypt lovers I have just confirmed (as of 6.1a and earlier) unicode can't be used for passwords to your truecrypt volumes/containers. If you want to make it more secure though, you can use hidden volumes or key file(s) as part of authorization to mount them.

On a side note to the discussion here, though passwording your office documents is good, you should also be storing them in an encrypted volume through the use of programs such as TrueCrypt for that extra layer of security.