Up-grading CPU


Distinguished Member
Hello CG,

I am ready to upgrade my cpu from AMD 64 3500+ to AMD 64 3800+x2. The main reason is the 3D programs I use and also ripping CD's is slower than i would like, needless to say the price has dropped conciderably. My question is, I know when I install the new CPU I will need to update the BIOS; however, remmember the last time I did that. I do :lup: ! This is the first place I have looked for the info because I know it will be good.

oops, did'nt ask a question :grinning: ..... What do I need to do before, during and after installing the new CPU? and as far as the BIOS, do I really need to remove all peripherals and PCI cards prior to flashing?

As a matter of fact, you shouldn't need to upgrade the BIOS.
So long as your mobo support the (excellent) 3800+ X2 you'll be good to go by simply turning off the PC and switching the CPUs - no flashing the mobo needed.

One question: your mobo supports the 3800?
Computer Guru said:
One question: your mobo supports the 3800?
I have the same question. When I changed the processor, i had to change the motherboard too, and to install Windows XP all over again, that was only way for windows to read 64bit processor.
well i know my computer was available with a 3800+ single core but not entirely sure if it was the same MOBO. and i also dont know if the my BIOS supports X2, thats what im trying to figure out. I looked in the HP site but could not find info (short of calling, which i have not done yet).
I guess thats where I need to start huh! :huh:
BTW I have:
compaq presario SR1650NX

OK never mind--- operator error, found the info and luckily for me my board does support X2. thanks again!
You're very welcome!

Best of luck to you with your X2, and you know where to go should something (hopefully not) go wrong.
