Hello! I have a Windows 7 drive and an XP drive dual-booted with EasyBCD v2.1. I added an external USB drive with
Mepis 11 Linux installed. [Mepis is a Debian distro like Ubuntu.] I wanted to add this to the boot list. I followed
Neosmart instructions and installed GRUB to "root" (the only other option allowed by Mepis) rather than MBR. I
added the drive as "Drive 2, partition 1", which is correct. When I restarted, Mepis was in the list so I selected
it and entered. But, instead of loading, I got a command screen displaying the " grub>" prompt. Whether I select
"GRUB Legacy" or "Grub2" in the Add New Entry page, the result is similar: either a "grub>" prompt or "GRUB _"
(followed by a flashing cursor). The process hangs right there. Will EasyBCD not work with USB drives, or is there
a special proceedure I need to follow? Thanks!
Mepis 11 Linux installed. [Mepis is a Debian distro like Ubuntu.] I wanted to add this to the boot list. I followed
Neosmart instructions and installed GRUB to "root" (the only other option allowed by Mepis) rather than MBR. I
added the drive as "Drive 2, partition 1", which is correct. When I restarted, Mepis was in the list so I selected
it and entered. But, instead of loading, I got a command screen displaying the " grub>" prompt. Whether I select
"GRUB Legacy" or "Grub2" in the Add New Entry page, the result is similar: either a "grub>" prompt or "GRUB _"
(followed by a flashing cursor). The process hangs right there. Will EasyBCD not work with USB drives, or is there
a special proceedure I need to follow? Thanks!