Hello there!!
Obviously Vista has installed the bootfiles on a wrong Partition...i have a 160GB SystemHDD (SATAII) divided in two partitions (C: = Windows XP Prof, D: = Windows VISTA Home Premium) + another SLave HDD (IDE, empty).
After the installation of vista i wondered why my computer still only boots XP without any possibility to choose between the two OS.
I finally found these files on my slave disk:
$WINDOWS.~LS (=directory)
When booting from C:, Windows XP starts immediately, but when booting from SLAVE (!) my Vista comes to life...
Now the question is: How can I get the DualBootmanager on my systemdisk without destroying any of my OS? Is this realizable with EasyBCD? What will I have to do?
I´m really thankful for your help! (Sorry for my bad English, I do have to read a lot of english/american journals and books at university, but i cannot USE the language anymore...
Obviously Vista has installed the bootfiles on a wrong Partition...i have a 160GB SystemHDD (SATAII) divided in two partitions (C: = Windows XP Prof, D: = Windows VISTA Home Premium) + another SLave HDD (IDE, empty).
After the installation of vista i wondered why my computer still only boots XP without any possibility to choose between the two OS.
I finally found these files on my slave disk:
$WINDOWS.~LS (=directory)
When booting from C:, Windows XP starts immediately, but when booting from SLAVE (!) my Vista comes to life...
Now the question is: How can I get the DualBootmanager on my systemdisk without destroying any of my OS? Is this realizable with EasyBCD? What will I have to do?
I´m really thankful for your help! (Sorry for my bad English, I do have to read a lot of english/american journals and books at university, but i cannot USE the language anymore...