'Must have gotten a bug from online play. Vista Home, Acer 3680 laptop. Vista starts, shows user log-in screen, then the blue screen of death, then safe mode screen, then restarts. 'Will do the this indefinitely with out user input. I can reboot from CD and get to recovery console, but nothing works. I can access DOS and I've tried several things. I got stuck at the command for 'bootsect.exe', system claims it is not a valide command.
I'm new to Vista: never used it for more than a few moments and 'never tried to repair/troubleshoot.
Thanks for your help.
If this is posted to the wrong place, please direct me.
I'm new to Vista: never used it for more than a few moments and 'never tried to repair/troubleshoot.
Thanks for your help.
If this is posted to the wrong place, please direct me.