Vista HnS troubles

Two things:

One: at the GRUB console, what's the output for `find /ntldr` ? (should have more than one result)
Two: What about trying "rootnoverify (hd0,5)"?


Also a screenshot of your Disk Management page from Computer Management in Adminstrative Tools (Control Panel) would help.


Create a blank file called "XP.HNS" on drive E:\
At the HnS/GRUB console at boot type in
find /XP.HNS

What does it return?
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Revelations: I got XP booting. Vista is hidden too! :smile:

Here's the menu.lst entry that I used:
hide (hd0,0)
make active
chainloader /ntldr

Do you still need the screenshot?

Now all I have to do is work out what was going wrong, and which files I can finally get rid off that I createdc in the process.

Thanks a bunch, Guru. I certainly don't look back after switching from VistaBootPRO!


One last thing: iReboot.

If I use iReboot from Vista to reboot into XP, will Vista still be hidden when XP boots? Given that iReboot works on BCD, no hide will be initiated, right? :S
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That's great news, pj.

The thing is, that's not guaranteed to work on all configurations. At least, I'm not sure if it will....

I really need to know what HnS thinks is the partition number for XP.

Can you please run the new build of HnS (uploaded in the HnS thread, first post) and post the log file after installing it? (Vista HnS.log in the same directory that you extracted HnS to).
Oops, the entry I said before was what NeoGrub printed it as -- the real entry in menu.lst is this:
title Windows XP 3
hide (hd0,0)
set root (hd0,4)
chainloader /ntldr

Anyway, give me a couple of seconds to install the new HnS, make sure it works, and find the log.

title Windows XP 3
hide (hd0,0)
set root (hd0,4)
chainloader /ntldr

Doesn't work:
title Windows XP [E:\]
hide (hd0,0)
rootnoverify (hd0,4)
chainloader /ntldr

I guess I need to have HnS to call `makeactive` before chainloader.... Though it shouldn't make a difference since ntldr isn't actually run until the `boot` command is encountered :lup:

Or perhaps it's the "set root (hd0,4)" verses "rootnoverify (hd0,4)"?

Do you think you could find out for me?

I think we're getting somewhere! :grinning:
I'll help you out, sure. Here is my log.
NeoSmart intelliLogger 1.0
Logging started at 00:01 using log level Debug

00:01:    Listing drives involved in the procedure.
00:01:    L as Unknown
00:01:    K as Unknown
00:01:    E as XP
00:01:    D as Unknown
00:01:    C as Vista
00:01:    Beginning Install process.
00:01:    Attempting to rename C\boot.ini to C\boot.ini.hns
00:01:    Copying NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM to E
00:01:    Creating boot.ini on E as partition(5)
00:01:    Creating Vista entry in menu.lst.
00:01:    Adding XP entry E on drive 0, partition 4 to menu.lst
00:01:    Renaming BOOTMGR, creating GRLDR on C
00:01:    Renaming BOOTMGR, creating GRLDR on E
00:01:    Updating the bootector on all partitions.

I'm really sorry though, I have to go for now. I may be back in an hour -- but it might be tommorow. In any case, I'd love to help. Sorry about that.
Thanks for the log file.

Actually, I've gone ahead and just incorporated both changes into HnS, now it both switches around the makeactive command and uses the "set root" syntax.

I'll be uploading build 41 now. Thanks a million for all your help!

(now I just have to get that pesky boot.ini bug Terry experiences fixed :x)


Whenever you do get the chance, it'd be great if you could test the latest build and let me know if it does indeed fix your problem entirely. I need to turn in now (almost 3am) so I won't be here an hour from now.

As for iReboot: as soon as HnS gets truly fixed, a new version of iReboot with full HnS support will be released.
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HI: A newbie here.
I modified my registry to hide the Vista partion on drive C: --- have XP on Drive D: parition.
Note that although the C: parition is not mounted, I can still see it with Windows Explorer, copy files, etc.

Works great. No loss of resore points. However, am I likely to get into trouble for other reasons?

You say Vista is hidden from XP, restore points on Vista are untouched, but you can still see Vista files with XP's explorer ?

You seem to have found the perfect situation, as one or two others have done using the MS workarounds, though most of us have tried them without success before coming here for an alternative solution.
Did you use the workaround mentioned here or something different ?

Perhaps you could describe your system(s) (separate HDDs or multiple partitions on one etc) and the precise workaround you used, so we can understand why it sometimes works and sometimes not.

If what you're doing works, I can't see why you should have problems unless some future Windows Update undoes your workaround, although I'm slightly concerned about the fact that you say you can access Vista's folders even though C:\ is not mounted.

Does this also mean that XP can see Vista's folders when you install new software on XP, because that could lead to wierd problems if some of the XP install end up in the C:\ folders (Adobe eg does this even when you tell it to install somewhere else, with a load of its common files if there's a C:\ visible)
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