Vista Recovery Disc


New Member
Hi, my acer aspire m3800 has started being very slow to the point of freezing lately. it turns on, then gradually slows down. i've run virus scans on it, and again in safe mode, and again from an online anti virus program and nothing has been found.
so i decided to do a system recovery. however, when i try to burn the discs in acer e-recovery management it always stops and says burn failed. what can i do about this?
also, i have downloaded and burned a copy of your vista x64 recovery disc and it won't let me do a complete pc restore. i ran a few other repair options and nothing indicated any problems. this is very frustrating, as i only bought the computer in july.
thanks for any help.
Our recovery discs can only be used for repairs, not for complete re-installs/restores/upgrades. The only functional part is "Repair my computer" link but its not going to help fix your system since you're not having boot problems. What you need to do is contact your computer manufacturer's support line and have them walk you through it so if its not working they can send you out a recovery kit. Might be a small fee, but probably should be covered since you just got in July.
Check the event log under advanced performance options in your control panel / system and see if you can identify a recurrent problem slowing you down.
A web-search will also reveal loads of sites dedicated to removing bloat in the form of startup tasks and services.
Make sure you have frequent auto-defrags scheduled (little and often is best)