I downloaded therecovery disk too, and starts to install, but asks me for a product key #. Have any idea why? and where I get the product key from? Thanks
You cannot use "install" from the recovery disk. It is not a free copy of Vista. It contains no installation files.
You can only use the "repair your computer" link (bottom left)
Check whether the CD boots on another working computer. (you should see a message "press any key to boot from CD")
Check that the BIOS on your broken computer is set to boot CD before HDD.
I use the cd on other pc with win-7 and only open the files not the boot page,in the broken one dont do anything.By the way how do i get to bios and how to change the cd boot?
On the first spash screen you see as you power up, there should be instructions.
(on my ASUS it says Press "del" to enter setup) Other manufacturers use F2 F10 F11 F12.
Once in the BIOS, look for the "boot" section