Vista sorta boots, certainly sucks.


New Member
Vista 32 won’t boot. Well, it sorta boots, but it goes into a zombie-like existence - not quite dead, yet not quite alive. I can get past the windows orb to the Welcome screen with the activity circle. Then I get a gong sound and after a few seconds the message “Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation.”

At this point I can ctrl-alt-del and open the task manager. From there I can open the desktop and run EasyBCD. I followed the instructions for the automated backup/ repair, write mbr, and I have also tried the command prompt operations including deleting the boot folder and running it from a usb. I can go online, and the computer is downloading and installing updates on its own.

I am out of options. My recovery partition is gone, the recovery disks I got with the computer don’t work, and I don’t have a vista DVD. (I got the laptop from my sister.) Any suggestions before I have to install W7? Thanks.
