Vista/Ubuntu Dual boot Neosmart config?


New Member
ok.. 1st install on the PC was vista 2nd was ubuntu in which I did load up grub. restart gave me an ok screen and showed choices correctly, my usb keyboard didn't work on this screen so I thought EASYBCD might work (installed EASYBCD and reinstalled to make active). Then the computer wouldn't let me into Ubuntu.

After some toying around.. I have it setup to go to EASYBCD first.. then if I choice Ubuntu (configured through EASYBCD as no Grub installed) it will take me to grub, giving me all the choices again which can get me into Ubuntu properly.

So.. everything work.. but in a very non convenient way.. Do I need to reconfigure Grub manually or do I need to use NeoGrub and configure that manually? If so I do need help w/ the config of Neogrub.

Vista is on the first partition of the main drive.
Ubunutu is on the second partition of the main drive.
btw Linux n00b.
Hi DJPlayer, welcome to NST.

Easy enough - In ubuntu, open up a shell (console, terminal, etc.) and type this in:
gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

That'll open up a notepad-like editor with the GRUB config file. Search for something like
timeout 30
and change that to
timeout 0

no more inconvenience :smile: