Vista + Ubuntu + GRUB


Hi everyone, first of all, excuse me for my english, I'm from Argentina.
Yesterday I installed Ubuntu in my computer. I was running Windows Vista and set free some space from a logical partition to install ubuntu.

Ubuntu works great but when I try to boot Vista from GRUB, my computer restart itself and show me GRUB screen again.

So, how can I fix it ? Please help !! I want my Vista back and if possible Ubuntu.

Many thanks.
Please, I want to remove Ubuntu, GRUB and recover my Windows Vista, how I could do this ?
Someone please help me !

Thanks. Daniel.
Hi dbarelli, welcome to NeoSmart Technologies.

I didn't notice your post because it was in the wrong section - it belongs in the EasyBCD Support forum.

Anyway, boot from the Vista DVD, and select Repair Options | Advanced | command Prompt
type in
bootsect.exe /nt60 all /force
bootsect.exe /fixmbr
bootsect.exe /rebuildbcd

That will get your Vista up and running.

Download the latest EasyBCD 1.61 build | Add/Remove Entries | Linux | "GRUB isn't installed" | Add Entry.

That should be all.

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