I burned the recovery cdfrom your webpage:
And I think the burning process went well and I booted my laptop from cd. So far so good. Now I'm wondering what to do... :lup:
I'm getting window which says install windows vista but I don't want to lose any of my data on my laptop. So if I click next does the cd only recover Vista or does it do something else?
My problem started with updating Vista and now my laptop is on the loop and does not go in to Vista at all.
I burned the recovery cdfrom your webpage:
And I think the burning process went well and I booted my laptop from cd. So far so good. Now I'm wondering what to do... :lup:
I'm getting window which says install windows vista but I don't want to lose any of my data on my laptop. So if I click next does the cd only recover Vista or does it do something else?
My problem started with updating Vista and now my laptop is on the loop and does not go in to Vista at all.