“Sorry about the caps, my first forum. I was referring to windows+vista+64-bit+repair+disc.ISO file I ordered from NeoSmart Technologies. I don't know how to use Torrents, will it download ISO files?”
A torrent file is simply a file that you download from a network. You need a program like FrostWire to download the file. When you click on the link below you will download a small file called “ Windows 7 64-bit Repair Disc.torrent “. Once you get that file on your hard drive and you have a torrent program installed you can left click the torrent file twice and download the file that you actually want will start in FrostWire. Frost wire will download it to:
Documents and settings/your user name/my documents/Frost wire/saved.
Then you can use a program like Active ISO burner to burn the ISO image down to a DVD blank. I generally recommend active ISO burner because it is exceedingly basic and only performs as one function. Image burn will do the same thing but it’s more complicated to use.
How to make a windows 7 or Windows Vista disk:
Download the Windows 7 repair disk.iso file.
Windows 7 recovery disk links to torrent downloads:
Windows Vista recovery disk links to torrent downloads:
You’ll need a program like FrostWire to download the torrent file which is an ISO file.
FrostWire 4.21.3;1
Burn the ISO file down to disk with a utility like Active ISO Burner.
Active@ ISO Burner 2.1;1
So if I understand what you’re saying you have Windows 7 on the first hard disk and Windows Vista on the second hard disk. Your system is in an Acer M5461 desktop system. You have restored Windows Vista with the Acer recovery disk. You have used the hard drive manufacturers diagnostic utility to verify that the second disc of Windows Vista is good.
Have you tried making the first partition on the first hard disk primary and using the Windows 7 recovery disk with a second hard disk disconnected?
If you need a utility to set which primary partition you want to be active you can download an ISO file and make a bootable disk from the link below:
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