W2000 and Vista dual boot - Possible to reinstall W2000?


I have Vista running on Dual Boot with W2000 no problems... W2000 on C:\ and Vista on M:\.

I want to reinstall W2000 onto the C:\ partition which already has W2000. I have done this once before and ended up having to reinstall Vista because the boot manager was deleted.

Question: Now that I have downloaded and installed EasyBCD, is there a way to reinstall W2000 and restore the Vista Boot Manager without having to reinstall Vista? If so how? Thanks in advance.
Welcome to NeoSmart Technologies :smile:

You must install Windows 2000, install EasyBCD in Windows 2k, then use EasyBCD's "Reinstall Bootloader" button to get Vista to boot once more.
After that, you must add a Windows 2000 entry to EasyBCD to get it to boot with Windows Vista.

Hope that helps :smile:
Great, glad to hear it worked!
Make sure to spread the word and let people people know; the more people that use it the better it gets!
Whooaah! I didn't mean Bingo! I've done it...

I meant BINGO! that sounds like what I've been looking for... and just before my 30 day activation appears in a couple of weeks time that is exactly what I shall be trying to do (thereby giving myself two weeks grace to fool around with Vista without fear of wrecking anything in particular knowing full well that there will be a nice fresh re-install around the corner to look forward to..

..you know... Bingo!

Thanks again CG.