saphire 199
Distinguished Member
Ok, this one has got me stumped. Anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. My girl has a Dell Dimension 2400. Someone replaced all the RAM (RAM type and size is correct for mobo, etc and I doublechecked to make sure seated, cleaned, etc) and right after that the graphics that are inherent in the mobo no longer work. Hence, nothing shows up on the display until the actual log-in of Windows (XP) This means that I do not know how to debug it as none of the boot sequence shows on the monitor - no BIOS, no boot ini, etc. Nothing until the graphic card actually kicks in and the OS is loaded. Is there a way to manually clear the powered BIOS so it goes back to the original flash BIOS? I am guessing that if I could do that there is a chance that original BIOS might not contain the error that somehow developed after the RAM was replaced. Only two jumpers are the CMOS jumper and the password clear jumper. Again, thanks for any help.
Saphire 199
Saphire 199