WIN 95 / WIN XP / WIN 10

Hey everybody,

I want to build a laptop with WIN 95 and WIN XP and WIN 10.

As I understand I have to start
1.) with installing WIN 95 at Partition I with FAT32
2.) Then install EasyBCD
3.) Then install WIN XP at Partition II with NTFS
4.) Last install WIN10 at Partition III with exFAT

Is this possible? Will it be the correct way to install?

Best regards
Ruediger Boecking
Oh, is my question so dumb? Or so complicated?

Will it be correct to do the steps 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 in this sequence?

Is it necessary to use three different journaling file systems? Or will all this working with NTFS??

Somebody here with experience who can give me good advice?

I need this 3 windows versions because if 3 old software programs. It will all work without internet for lifetime, if course.

best regards
You shouldn't need step 2.
Installing Windows in chronological sequence, should result in a functioning multi boot automatically.
You'd only need EasyBCD if you were trying to add XP after W10.
Read the wiki
for some deep background if you want to reassure yourself of exactly what's going on.

You can add EasyBCD to tidy up any clunky naming convention that MS came up with during the automatic dual booting, if you wish.