win7 32/64bit loader


hi guys, good afternoon! :smile:
here my problem with boot: I have installed on the same hdd but on different partitions win7 32bit and win7 64bit. Then I put a 'loader' (it's not a crack, but simply some experiments for university xD). However, through this loader I can load both 32 and 64 bit OS. So when I turn on pc I have:
-Win7 x32
-Win7 x64
-win7 x32/x64 Loader.
Then I coose the loader and I have
- Start Windows
- Start Windows
(but now I know which is 32 and 64)
And this is my question: Can I put on default the loader? (and I think that i can do this putting timeout on 1sec) and can I rename the two "Start Windows"??
Thank you for your time and sorry for my bad english xD
The files themselves, on the drive. Rename them. You'll need to enable viewing of hideen/protected OS files in folder options.