Windows 7 64bit & Windows Xp 32 bit dual boot

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I have the very same problem with my XP partition not booting.
The only difference on my system is 2 harddrives, but still same problem.
attached is my mini dump.



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Guys, please check out EasyBCD 2.0 beta build 79. It fixes the hang when adding an auto-configured XP entry (but NOT the crash!!!).

Anyone with a *crash* and not hang should email me the dump file for BootGrabber.exe (and not EasyBCD.exe) as generated with the mini dump tool linked to above.

Thanks and good luck with Build 79.

With the new Beta, EasyBCD don't freeze, and XP can START!!!!
Thanks, thanks thanks!!!!

You're the best!
Hello from Italy

windows Xp 32 bit & windows 7 64 bit dual boot on same Hard disk

hi, i have 64 bit and 32 bit dual boot, this is how i get it

1. You cant install 64 bit windows while using 32 bit platform,, so you must restart PC and Clean install windows 7 on any other partition/drive of the HDD.
2. The partition should be NTFS and minimum 20 GB is required for windows 7 64 bit !
3. I have already a 25 GB partition (D drive) so i moved all my data from that drive as all the data will be lost from that partition during clean installation of windows...You can use any 3rd party partition manager to create a (20 GB minimum) Drive.
4. I found no effect/problems on my per-installed Xp after Clean Installation of windows 7 64 bit on same drive so you should be fine too (experts correct me here if i am wrong!)


1. I have already installed windows Xp pro 32 bit on C drive...
2. Insert Windows 7 Dvd in Dvd-Drive and restart PC
3. Press any key to initialize the windows setup
4. Windows 7 setup begins and will give the option of custom install

After choosing CUSTOM Install, choose the empty Drive on which you want to install windows 7


--->Windows 7 will handle the rest,, you just wait..!
--->Automatically the dual boot option will be created !