Windows 7 boot problem


Hello, I have two hard drives, one with windows xp, and one which I installed windows 7 on.

I installed windows 7 by mounting it in windows xp. It worked fine, but I had to take my C drive out, and windows 7 wouldn't boot on its own.

I put the C drive back in, booted in windows 7, installed EasyBCD and told it where to boot from etc, but after taking the C drive out again, it just comes up with an error about the /boot/BCD

Any way to fix it?
Keep the other drive attached. If you want it to boot on its own disconnect the other drive, make sure W7's partition (or a small "System Reserved" partition) on W7's disk is "Active" and than perform startup repair from W7 DVD.
Is there any way to do startup repair without the DvD? I have no spare dvd's, which is the reason I installed it by mounting. Also now when I try and boot xp up it says something about a /ntldr folder or file (win7 boot style screen)


Sorry about the double post, but when I click "select BCD store" and point to any BCD file it comes up with the following error:

"The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format."

Edit Ah no double post. ^^
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