Windows 7 SP1 RTM Released to OEM

Let's hope it goes smoothly for you. I have so many because I - maybe stupidly - beta test all kinds of stuff.
By the way I notice Technet downloads don't give an MD5 number only a SHA1 (the torrents we downloaded give both), so other than version numbers how can one tell if the download one used was the genuine article?

Is the SHA1 number the same too? Sorry, this is the first time I've run into this situation.
SHA and MD5 are different types of hashes, or a unique signature to identify the file. Its calculated by applying a math formula to the contents of the file. If a single byte in the file changes, it'll have a different hash altogether.

You can calculate the hash for any file yourself, with any of the different algorithms. There's a really nifty app that'll help you (free) called HashTab. I'd google it but I'm on my CrackBerry.

It adds a tab the right click | properties of any file that'll show you the hash. You can use it to compare any two files.
Thanks, I'll look it up & investigate. So my question would be will the SHA1 be the same for the final release as the torrents, assuming they are the real thing?


Edit: Wow that is neat, thanks.
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Did you already install it, Justin?

I don't own a copy of Windows 7 so no, but my family does. ZoomText helps the blind use a computer. Unfortunately I've had problems with it on several occasions. The slightest update like a new browser or what have you can mess it up. I'm going to do a full backup image for sure in case things don't work out. I'm just waiting for it to be published on Windows Update.
Peter, the SHA1 for the real thing and the torrents *should* be identical if it were indeed the real thing.

However, generally speaking, if they both have the same build number then they'll be the same.
Thanks. Well it's supposed to be on Technet today but I guess the left coast hasn't woken up yet....checking every 5 minutes...LOL


Well in their ultimate wisdom, Microsoft Technet have put out the standalone SP1 as a combined x86/x64 disk image, plus the usual integrated full 'OS with SP1' images, so there is no way to check if the hashes for the individual SP1 versions that were downloaded through torrents match.

Someone on SevenForums however has pointed out that the hashes for the integrated disk images DO match with those of the integrated images that were apparently made available through torrents a bit later, which I obviously wasn't expecting to happen as I had no idea they even existed until today.

So here's praying that my OS's (3 in total, 2 x64 and 1 x86) are OK. They look, behave, and update like the real ones so I am not panicking.....yet.

I guess I can check the individual hashes when the standalones are made public.

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Awesome. Thanks for verifying that for us, Peter!

<3 HashTab :smile:

(BTW, the HashTab license agreement is probably the best one I've ever seen!)
I hate to admit that I didn't read it. Don't tell me I have to sacrifice my first-born again...???!!! (Don't have one anyway..LOL)

So what's so wonderful about it?
Yeah, something like that:


Exactly and that would probably be why I and many others fail to read the fine print, because they are usually akin to the Encyclopædia Britannica.
Thanks for reminding me about HashTab. I completely forgot to re-install it :smile:


Good bye cool license agreement:


The developer's site doesn't host the file anymore, or they started a new company I think. Had to get it off Softpedia.
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