Thanks. Well it's supposed to be on Technet today but I guess the left coast hasn't woken up yet....checking every 5 minutes...LOL
Well in their ultimate wisdom, Microsoft Technet have put out the standalone SP1 as a combined x86/x64 disk image, plus the usual integrated full 'OS with SP1' images, so there is no way to check if the hashes for the individual SP1 versions that were downloaded through torrents match.
Someone on SevenForums however has pointed out that the hashes for the integrated disk images DO match with those of the integrated images that were apparently made available through torrents a bit later, which I obviously wasn't expecting to happen as I had no idea they even existed until today.
So here's praying that my OS's (3 in total, 2 x64 and 1 x86) are OK. They look, behave, and update like the real ones so I am not panicking.....yet.
I guess I can check the individual hashes when the standalones are made public.