Hi 2alive,
have you tryed the EasyBCD 2.0 Build 94?
If the answher "No", download this finest Program.
IMPORTEND: Make a HDD-Total-Backup (IMAGE-BACKUP) with a very good Backup Program.
Not with the Windows own Backup-Program.
(If you can, no Backup Programs, without a emergency CD/USB to Restore a total crashed Computer)
The BackUp-File (Image) must be verify.
If your Backup finish and you think it is OK, make a Restore with this Backup-Image.
So you are 100% shure, the Restore routine is funktion, the Backup file Image is realy OK and you have much less stress, if your computer hanging in booting (frostet).
Run Win7, install EBCD (EasyBCD 2.0 last Build).
Start EBCD, Klick on Bootloader Setup and in this new opening Windows select your Partition to install the Bootloader.
I have Partition 1 (NTFS - 100 MiB), this (your) Partition is for the future the importend main partition.
After your selection click on "Install BCD" and see the responding result from the EBCD Program.
You are now ready and go to "Add New Entry".
In the new little Window of EBCD "Ad...", in the upper area under Windows:
Type: Windows Vista/7 (Pull down Menu = pre select)
Name: What you wish, i have here: Windows 7 German ORIGINAL
Drive: for you (and me) C:\
Push the Add Entry -Button and wait, you will see a Responding result of your action in the lowest area of this EBCD-Window.
Changeing the EBCD-Window, klick on the Edit Boot Menu Button
There must be the Windows 7 entry with your named Windows.
Make shure under the Default range the maker (behind the maker is written Yes) for your Win 7.
This is you standart boot OS now, changing later with EBCD all time possible.
In the depper area of this Window:
No maker in Skip the boot menu, please.
Boot default OS after 10 seconds, or what you wish.
This is the time with delay, in there you can select (later) ather OS, if your Computer start up.
This time you can change every time with this fantastic EBCD-Program
Finaly: Press the Save Settings Button.
To change the EBCD-Window now for the next control step, klick View Settings.
In this importend Window are the Results written of all your Settings.
More information are visible, is the "Detailed (Debug Mode) maked.
Well, if you finish and all is so what you think, close this EBCD and make a reboot.
Then you must see, after the Bios-Beep, your EBCD-Select-Menu, a second counter run down and a high lighted Windows 7 to start up, if the counter on "0".
Is this OK and win 7 ready to working, start again EBCD and klick Add new Entry.
Now select in the pull down Menu Type: the Windows NT/2K/XP/2k3
Name: What you wish
Drive: (Automatically configured).
Press (klick) the Add Entry Button.
See the responding Program feedback.
Go to "Edit Boot Menu" and control the new Entry. (I klick Save Settings htere, i do not know, it is for my Soul).
Go to the "View Settings" and control the new Entry.
The must be a new
Name: "Your XP-Name, what you have written"
BCD ID: {a long number range...}
Device: boot
Bootloader Path: \NTLDR
So it is on my Computer and function perfect
Close this EBCD and restart your Computer.
After the Bios-Beep, you must see now 2 Entrys.
First and high lighted WIndows 7, second your Win XP.
I let start up again my Win7 and after a new restart, i select with the Down-Arrow-Key the new Entry, now Win XP.
(Win 7 is very importend for me, it is my main OS).
Win XP will start up and is all ok, you see your XP Desktop (Shell) after the XP booting is finish.
If you have trouble, like bootmgr or NTLDR is missing and the system stopped, write this please here.
Finaly: Good luck and happy EBCD-Working,
STRUPPI from Germany
ps. if there a error or the technical steps are wrong written (no logic in the step by step), please write this.
I test so much, normaly it must be there an error in this posting, i remember not all steps.