Windows XP & Windows Server 2008 Dual boot on separate hard drives


Hello all, i am new to the forums so please be gentle:grinning: I have tried to find a similar thread that answers my questions but none of the posts that i have found has helped me so far. Anyhow, here is the situation, i have windows XP installed on a hard drive. the drive was the removed from the computer, another one was inserted and windows server 2008 was installed on the new hard drive.
Now, i have both hard drives connected but i don't get the dual boot menu through which i choose into which OS to boot into. I can determine the boot os only by changing the boot order from the bios. I want to have the dual boot menu in order to choose from there into which OS to boot and not to have to change the boot order from the bios.
Any help is appreciated:smile:
Boot from the 2k8 HDD first in the BIOS boot sequence, with the other HDD connected too.
Install EasyBCD 2
"Add New Entry"
Windows tab
XP/NT/2k dropdown
tick the box for automatic configuration
click the add button

Job done.