I know it is pretty much the same old thing but I have searched and tried and beat my head against a wall for a week. I had a dual boot XP Pro / Vista Ultimate setup which did just fine. After getting a new hd I decided to take it two steps further. I have tried everything, the biggest thing that I hear is install in release order XP / 64 / Vista / the X fruit or the X fruit / Vista. I have never been able to get all three Windows OSes to coexist. XP and 64 do fine together but no matter what I try with XP / 64 installed Vista dies after the first reboot when installing unless it is run on the first slot unformatted and without anything else on that slot. Why can I not have it formatted in order. My other question is do I need to format the X fruit's partition to primary also (as Acronis appears to make possible) or will that just confuse the system.