XP - Ubuntu netbook dual boot issue


Hi everyone,

I have done the most stupid thing by deleting the current kernel of ubuntu yesterday night (while trying to delete old kernels). Anyways, I have reinstalled Ubuntu but I could not see it to the bootlist (there were memtest of ubuntu and Windows XP at this stage). So wanted to give it a try with EasyBCD. I thought I have successfully added the list elements but pc just does not even show the old boot list element (memtest of ubuntu) and skip to XP. The main partition is E: Windows partition is F: and the ubuntu is in partition of "0,3" so all the stuff is in just one HDD. Here are the details:

There are a total of 2 entries listed in the bootloader.

Default: Ubuntu
Timeout: 10 seconds
EasyBCD Boot Device: E:\

Entry #1
Name: Ubuntu
BCD ID: {default}
Drive: E:\
Bootloader Path: \NST\AutoNeoGrub2.mbr

Entry #2
Name: Microsoft Windows XP
BCD ID: {a2974a06-6d7b-11e0-83e9-444553544200}
Drive: F:\
Bootloader Path: \NST\easyldr16

Could you please enlighten me what should I do?

an idiot :grinning:
Do you have Vista or W7 ?
They are the systems that use a BCD to control the boot.
You can dual boot Linux, XP or OS X as part of a Vista/7 multiboot using EasyBCD.
You can't do it without one of them.
If you own a Vista or W7 licence, you could port the new boot manager to a non-Vista/7 setup, but you must be the legitimate owner of a BCD, to be able to use EasyBCD to manipulate it. (the clue's in the name). Easy can recreate a BCD, but it's inhibited from doing so in an unauthorized environment.