I am running Windows Vista Ultimate on my C:\drive and have installed Linux on an external hard drive. I am using EasyBCD 1.7x and trying to boot the external drive to access the Linux install. What do you suggest? Thanks for your help. RJ
I attempted the "Step-by-Step" Ubuntu, Vista Dual-Boot Pictorial. Actually, I did not see any of the pictures in the steps as shown in the procedure. It did not work. Help! --RJ
Yes, I think so. Yes, I went into the BIOS to set that up. No, I have not been able to boot into Unbuntu after installed. I arrive at a dos prompt--GRUB>
Does this help? RAJ
It sounds as if GRUB isnt recognizing the fact you installed Ubuntu. As GRUB and NeoGRUB both are what is used to boot into Ubuntu. So you have to make sure that you follow the steps in the wiki where you add a entry for Ubuntu and check the Box GRUB was not installed. See if that solves it.
I dont think it will. I think the entries are not correct for the boot to work correctly. If you couldnt use GRUB right away to boot to Ubuntu then NeoGRUB wont resolve this either. You have to figure out why not even GRUB loaded.
I attempted the "Step-by-Step" Ubuntu, Vista Dual-Boot Pictorial. Actually, I did not see any of the pictures in the steps as shown in the procedure. It did not work. Help! --RJ
I don't know what to attempt next. I have attempted the install over and over and over and over. Someone told me this Linux was supposed to be simple. "You'll never go back to Windows again!" Well at least you can use Windows with all its flaws, insecurities and control issues. I don't know ????
I have done a media check. I just did another install, and the strangest thing is that it booted right into Fedora 8. I have this nagging inclination that I formatted my C:\ drive and lost all the data. How can I be sure? How do I check this out? Thanks, RJ
If Fedora started at boot, most likely it is because GRUB was written to the MBR instead of the bootsector, and GRUB also didn't pick up on your Windows install.
While it's true that there is a chance your Windows partition is gone, it's not the most likely scenario.