
happy belated microdoft day everybody
sorry indin't post yesterday i was busy
april 5th:
1-General Douglas MacArthur died in Washington, D.C. at the age of 84. (1964)
2- go fro broke day:

Are you a gambler? Then, today, is your day. It's Go For Broke Day. Today is a day to put it all on the line, and take a chance. It might be money. Or, it can be a love relationship. Perhaps, it's time to initiate a risky project, or to take a new job.
Many of us go about our daily lives playing it safe, not taking big chances. If you are of a conservative ilk, you may have never gone out on a limb, or taken big risks. If this sounds like you, maybe today is a day to really let loose and "Go for Broke".
If you can muster up the courage to take a big risk, you can enjoy today by taking big risks and "Going for Broke". We will leave it up to you to decide whether the risk is worth taking.
april 6th:
1-Explorers Matthew A. Henson and Robert E. Perry are the first to reach the North Pole. (1909)
2-The first modern Olympic games opens in Athens, Greece (1896)
3-Twinkies hit the market. The first twinkies were banana-filled.(1930)
Well i was just wondering if any of you guys had any information or other facts.
Im inclined to think that they did not in fact reach the North Pole but probably somewhere really close to it, seeing as more than 90 years later they " copied" his trip and reached only five hours faster.
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Who really cares anyway? It's nicer to think that they actually did it......and that includes the moon landing which they most definitely DID do - several times.
I believe that they did it. Especially after you read a couple of books about the North Pole. Plus im not that much of a conspiracy theorist. Im pretty sure they reached the moon. I just wanted to know who was first. Thats all.
yeah i believe they did everything i was just having some fun


where did the post go i had posted the holidays to day as a double post knowing that they would be merged somebody put something please cause I'm to lazy to do it again
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Here's something for you Ali,
I particularly like the middle one, albeit a harsh penalty for public lewdness !

563 BC: Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, is born (traditional date).

217: The brutal Roman emperor Caracalla is assassinated while relieving himself at a roadside.

1904: The ‘Entente Cordiale’ is signed by Britain and France, finally ending centuries of intermittent conflict
I expect it's about as accurate as Christmas, date wise CG.
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thank you anyone who posted has passed i don't mind posting its no trouble i was just making sure that there was someone to read it thank you
quite some nice ones today:
april 9th:
1-Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, ending the Civil War. (1865)
2-French explorer LaSalle reaches the Mississippi river (1691)
3- The U.S. Senate passes a law making Winston Churchill the first honorary U.S. citizen. (1963)
4-Winston Churchill Day