Backtick shortcut (Easy window switcher) - issue on non US keyboards


New Member
Trying out EasySwitch I cannot get it to work (swedish keyboard layout).

The backtick shortcut is a bit difficult on non US keyboards - one usually gets it with a combination of Shift/Alt + backslash / tilde.

Any knowledge how to get this working on non US keyboard layouts ?

A way of changing this setting - in the small program ?

I know it (wincycle.exe) is a tiny program - so maybe over the top to add a UI to it - maybe a tiny config file ?

I'm running Windows 11 in English, but with a Swedish keyboard layout, and after trying a lot of key combinations, Alt-ö is the one that works. But that's almost impossible to use with just one hand.
There's currently no intention to add the ability to dynamically change the keyboard shortcut for Easy Window Switcher, but the reason you're having such a hard time with it is that it's not using the right shortcut on your machines (with the Swedish keyboard layout).

We actually just released an updated version of Easy Window Switcher that includes a fixed keyboard shortcut for the Svenska layout; can you give it a try and let me know if it address your issue (@ArneStein and @nadanada)?

There's currently no intention to add the ability to dynamically change the keyboard shortcut for Easy Window Switcher, but the reason you're having such a hard time with it is that it's not using the right shortcut on your machines (with the Swedish keyboard layout).

We actually just released an updated version of Easy Window Switcher that includes a fixed keyboard shortcut for the Svenska layout; can you give it a try and let me know if it address your issue (@ArneStein and @nadanada)?

Thank you, it works perfectly now!
Trying out EasySwitch I cannot get it to work (swedish keyboard layout). Smart Square SSM

The backtick shortcut is a bit difficult on non US keyboards - one usually gets it with a combination of Shift/Alt + backslash / tilde.

Any knowledge how to get this working on non US keyboard layouts ?

A way of changing this setting - in the small program ?

I know it (wincycle.exe) is a tiny program - so maybe over the top to add a UI to it - maybe a tiny config file ?


You’re trying to use EasySwitch (or something similar) and encountering issues with the backtick shortcut on a Swedish keyboard layout, where the backtick key (`) requires a combination like Shift/Alt + backslash or tilde.

In most cases, programs like EasySwitch (or wincycle.exe, which I assume is a similar utility) rely on specific key combinations, and non-US layouts can make things tricky since key positions and combinations are different.

Here are a few things you could try:

1. Check if EasySwitch allows custom shortcuts:
Some programs like EasySwitch offer custom key mappings for specific shortcuts. Unfortunately, I’m not sure about EasySwitch specifically (if it’s the one you are using), but if it does, you can change the shortcut to something that works better with your keyboard layout.

Look through the program’s settings or documentation for options related to keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys. You might be able to change the backtick shortcut to something more easily accessible for you.

2. Create a Tiny Config File:
If there isn't a UI for configuration, as you suggested, you could try looking for a config file or settings file associated with EasySwitch or wincycle.exe. It’s common for small utilities to store settings in a simple .ini or .txt configuration file that you can edit manually.

Look for files like config.ini, settings.ini, or similar in the program directory.
Open it with a text editor and search for the shortcut key setting.
If you find a setting for the backtick or hotkey combination, you can try changing it to something else that works better for your keyboard.
3. Remap Keys using a Third-Party Tool:
If EasySwitch or wincycle.exe doesn’t allow for easy customization, you can use a third-party tool to remap the key combination entirely.

Tools like AutoHotkey allow you to create custom scripts to remap keys or modify shortcuts. You could write a simple script to change the combination for the backtick key to something easier to use on your Swedish keyboard.

4. Try a Keyboard Layout Switcher:
If the layout issue is persistent across programs, consider using a keyboard layout switcher, which could allow you to quickly switch between different layouts based on the program you're using. For example, you could temporarily switch to an American English layout just for working with EasySwitch.

Best Regard,