So I have a problem. I tried to make a dual-boot with vista installed first and then installing xp. It kind of worked. I could load xp but not vista, which is supposed to happen in the beginning. I then got easyBCD for xp. I the had to leave, so my brother tried to make it work, but he didn't read the tutorial, so he didn't really know how to make it work. Now I don't think he really did anything; he just got the error message that couldn't load xp because the boot loader was missing. So I reinstalled xp and got the vista bootloader and added the entries blah blah blah. So I got the menu to start vista or xp but when I try to start vista, it starts till the loading bar but the I get a BSOD. now when I try to load xp, it has a missing bootloader. No matter what I try it doesn't work. Anyone have any idea what's the problem and how to fix it?