I have Ipc 10.5.6 on a DVD+R i burned it twice plus i tried Iatkos, i used power2go and poweriso to burn it, im gonna try imgburn to see if that works. I also tried using DVD-R. When I turn off my computer, I put the disk in, and then the computer finishes shuting down. I then turn on the computer and displays the Gateway loading screen. When I have easyBCD on it goes to the boot menu and then I can press F8 on Windows for more options or run normally. If i choose the Mac entry it asks to press "enter" or "F8" so if i press "enter it runs Win7 normally and if I press "F8" it asks which hard drive i want to recover. From there I exit because that isnt correct. When i dont have easy BCD on it boots windows normally. I also moved the option to boot the CD/DVD drive first but that didnt change anything. I am not sure if I burnt it wrong or if my computer is just not recognizing the disk, but once the computer is on, i can go to my computer and choose the CD/DVD drive and it shows the disk with the Ipc iso and all the files on it. Sry for the long explaination, Im just confused why it wont work. I know what to do once the disk loads and Darwin bootloader starts.