Dual boot with Vista & XP Errors


so around when will it be release for the Vista HnS Beta or Full? In the meanwhile, I think I really need to use NeoGrub first as I think last time my windowx xp crash is likely due with software installation not in c: thus corrupted? Just a assumption.

May I ask if I'm using neogrub, is it a must to remove vista bootloader in order to boot correctly as I just hit BSOD with my settings while booting to Vista. I need to have the setup like OS drive boot up is C: and backup partition is D:. the other should be other drive letter presume E: and hidden. How can I achieve that. My current menu.lst is in below, please advise on what should I change? I saw some require makeactive attributes etc. Do I need that as I remember my previous setting is something like the below one.

# NeoSmart NeoGrub Bootloader Configuration File
# This is the NeoGrub configuration file, and should be located at C:\NST\menu.lst
# Please see the EasyBCD Documentation for information on how to create/modify entries:
# EasyBCD Documentation Home - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki

default 0
timeout 8
unhide (hd0,0)
unhide (hd0,1)

title Windows Vista
find --set-root /ntldr
find --set-root /bootmgrv
chainloader /bootmgrv

title Windows XP
find --set-root /bootmgrv
find --set-root /ntldr
chainloader /ntldr
Dual-booting without NeoGrub/HnS does not delete Windows XP system recovery points, therefore it does not present any danger to your Windows XP installation.

The only problem is that it delete's Windows Vista's recovery points.

Personally, I won't be providing any support for the old NeoGrub method; the existing threads have (pages and pages) of answers that should point you in the right direction - together with Andre's great guide above, that should be enough. There aren't any "tricks" to it or anything, it's simply a matter of knowing which partitions to hide - unfortunately it's a real pain for me to have to figure that out all these tubes away.
Oic, recovery points as in system restore points? I don't do that often so I don't mind if it is. Alright, I will check with the guide u mention and try it out.. Looking forward ur HnS :smile: Cheers :smile:
That's the only thing that is affected by not hiding your Vista drive from the XP one. If you're not worried about that, you don't really need to do this at all.
Hmmm, if I hide my other partition I don't think they allows me to boot the OS as it will result a BSOD which I just encountered.

I think I really need to figure out neogrub settings, if not I wil try to see is there any other way that allows me to change the drive letter to C: whichever OS I boot to..
Yes that is correct. Only the Windows XP install will make your drive C:\ and that can only be done when booting from teh CD. If you try to start the install from within Vista at any point or with in Linux then it will 1. Not work and 2. Give you the first available drive letter.

Only booting from the XP CD and make sure that the space you are installing XP to is in RAW format, meaning not already partitioned and formatted. will be the only way to get XP to read itself as the C:\ drive like you want. Other than that you will ahve to live with it being E:\
Just to confirm that u guys means that I can't achieve the settings with neogrub like:
C: can be XP or Vista
D: always be the backup partition
E: opposite of booting OS


But somehow my old settings with the neogrub menu.lst seems to work all the way I want. It do set either OS to C: whichever I boot from and also D: will always shown my backup partition and then the other OS will be hidden. I suppose is the command hide, set root or makeactive from grub.
Yes. This is because you can not be in XP and have both XP and Vista read as teh C:\ drive. It is physically impossible to have both OS's read as C:\ one of them will haev to be E:\.

But the thing is since each OS reads as C:\ you have go off the Vista boot info cause it is the Vista bootloader. :wink:

So for NeoGRUB to work your XP should read E:\ on the NeoGRUB. At least that is what i am gathering.

So from what i am gathering it will be

C:\ Vista
D:\ Backup
E:\ XP
yea, I know if I boot into Vista C:, I can't have XP Show on C: too in my computer and this is impossible. Currently I have the setup u have mentioned:

C:\ Vista
D:\ Backup
E:\ XP

The question I ask is that can I use neogrub or other software that let me boot into XP and once in the XP, I open up My Computer, XP from E: change to C: ? and maybe Vista C: to E: or hidden? Maybe u guys has already answered my question but somehow I'm quite unclear about it.
As CG stated no you can not change the drive letter of the drive you boot once you are in the drive. Guru already stated this.

XP when within it if it reads E:\ then that is the drive letter assigned to it during the install. Go back and read my post about how XP gets the drive letter assinged during the install and this will become more clear.

Only when you have installe dXP and it reads C:\ will it read that drive letter. If it reads anything but that, that is the drive letter assigned to it and can not be changed. The drive letter for XP that was assigned during its install was E:\ and it will stay that way until you format and re-install it. There is no software out there that can change it. Plus you wouldtn want to do that cause of the fact that all your shortcuts and everything are assigned to the drive letter E:\ which is where the stuff is installed to. So when you tried to run a short cut or applicaiton it would give you a error cause that is not where the stuff is installed at.

So if you iwsh for XP to read that it is drive C:\ then boot from the XP CD. Delete the XP partition. Create the same partition in that space. Then continue with the install and do a full format. Only then will XP read itself as the C:\ drive and nothign else.
Hi, so u mean that to achieve my requirement. My setup should work like this:

C:/ Vista and XP
D: Backup
E: Deleted

where C: Vista already installed, while installing XP with the CD, I need to delete E and merge back the space to C: and create a folder in C: for my XP?

But will it corrupt with my Vista as both OS on the same drive? Sorry again if I give a wrong assumption.
No. You still got it wrong.

Vista will stay untouched. Where XP is installed. E:\ delete that partition and then create a new one. Then install XP. So then it will look like this from Vista:

C:\ Vista
D:\ Recovery
E:\ XP

But from within XP it will look like this:

C:\ XP
D:\ Backup
E:\ Vista

Vista and XP both can have the C:\ drive label jsut not at the same time. But they both can have it as long as the other OS is read as a different drive when not booted to that drive. Right now my XP is C:\ and so is my Vista. But when i look at my XP partition from Vista it reads D:\ even though i know my XP is C:\ from within XP.

But you have to delete the partition and then create the partition during the install of XP. If you leave the partitions alone it will just select the next available letter which it has.
u mean need to reformat again? I already have the setup C: Vista D: backup and e: XP.

Btw, follow the step to boot into xp cd and delete the partition and do a format will allows XP to be C:?

Quote from ur previous post
So if you iwsh for XP to read that it is drive C:\ then boot from the XP CD. Delete the XP partition. Create the same partition in that space. Then continue with the install and do a full format. Only then will XP read itself as the C:\ drive and nothign else.

I think done that before, I boot into XP CD and delete the partition quick format it and install back XP, and it straight away boot to Windows XP but it show E: :frowning: Is there any additional settings need to be done?
Dont quick format.

Alright you are getting me confused. Let me clear this up. You want XP to read as the C:\
drive right?? If so that can ONLY be done during the XP install. No time after. NeoGRUB nor any other application will do this for you. So asking how to accomplish this will NeGRUB will not get you a answer. It CANNOT be done.

Now. Insert the XP CD. Delete the partition where XP is isntalled. Create a partition in the same spot. Then continue with the install. Format fully. Install should go thru and your XP should read as the C:\ drive. If not then this is not possible cause it is using a partition on a hard drive that will not allow for this. Which means you would need a new hard drive and install XP on there.
Sorry for being so complicated.. lolx. I will try it again when I have time and update here again. Btw, after the setup u have mentioned, do I need to use easybcd again for dual boot menu setup? As this whole process seems no need to use neogrub..