Just 1 question. How is it that when i installed XP after Vista i was still able to get both recognized as C:\? I used the same ahrd drive and i already had Partition 1 recognized as C:\. Wait no that i think about it. I was using 2 seperate hard drives. But i did get XP after Vista to be recognized as C:\ i just dont remember how i did it.No, you absolutely cannot.
As you can see, it has already identified Partition1 as being Drive C: - meaning that there is no way it'll ever make the Unpartitioned Space drive D:
I don't see what is so difficult about my original instructions:
Use acronis to hide the first partition.
Install to the second partition
use acronis to unhide the first partition.
One more thing: why do you need XP to be drive C:\?
There are very FEW applications that need to be hardcoded as C:\. Come to think of it i havent seen anything like that since the Windows 98SE days. Almost anythign in XP can use any drive letter. Cause not everyone isntalls apps to their C:\ Drive. I knwo i dont. I have yet to find a app that wont work this way.Oic, so now I need to achieve that is to hide vista partition, then go back to the XP cd and should be able to see Raw drive and install to there? After installation finish, then restart and unhide, if unhide, both will become to what drive letter? It really sounds quite complicated to me to complete the whole process.
My motive for XP to be drive C: is for installation purpose which some software hardcode to c: as installation path.