EasyBCD 2.02 cann't find my WindowsXP!

Step by step...

Well, I copied the NTDETECT to I:\
Then I started Windows XP from menu and got an other error message :huh:
Windows could not start becouse the following file is missing or corrupt:
<Windows root>\System32\ntoskrln.exe
Please reinstall...
I have a feeling that maybe, maybe...:|
What next?
Well that's because we faked the presence of a WINDOWS folder.

You'll need to open boot.ini and replace "WINDOWS" with "XP"
The full success, thank you!

Well that's because we faked the presence of a WINDOWS folder.

You'll need to open boot.ini and replace "WINDOWS" with "XP"

Well Of course!:booyah: How stupid one can be?:shame:
I have looked into boot.ini and seen that it has Windows map instead of XP and didn't change it by my self.:shame:

But it works great now!
I thank both of you who worked on my case very much and I am going to donate for developing of this great software!:grinning::grinning:

Thank you once more time!
Hey Piko, glad to hear it worked. Love your avatar!

You should stick around, there's lots to learn and lots of help to give, if you're interested :smile:
I have learned a lot ...

Hey Piko, glad to hear it worked. Love your avatar!

You should stick around, there's lots to learn and lots of help to give, if you're interested :smile:
Thank you, I have learned a lot and I will learn more in the future, I swear! :lol:

It's fantastic that there is such a site and there are such a people as you!
I will be back with new questions soon :brows:!